Jemaah Islamiyah love

Jemaah Islamiyah


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  • Although the clandestine organization didn’t use the name Jemaah Islamiyah for more than a decade, at some point in the 1970s its leaders began creating their first network of cells and study groups.

    Seeds of Terror Maria A. Ressa 2003

  • Although the clandestine organization didn’t use the name Jemaah Islamiyah for more than a decade, at some point in the 1970s its leaders began creating their first network of cells and study groups.

    Seeds of Terror Maria A. Ressa 2003

  • They've been largely carried out by a group called Jemaah Islamiyah, which is acknowledged as al Qaeda's arm in Southeast Asia.

    CNN Transcript Nov 20, 2006 2006

  • Sungkar, the indictment says, became the military governor of the so-called Indonesian Islamic State soon after and that the two men then began recruiting Indonesians into a group they were calling the Jemaah Islamiyah, which means “Islamic Community.”

    Seeds of Terror Maria A. Ressa 2003

  • Sungkar, the indictment says, became the military governor of the so-called Indonesian Islamic State soon after and that the two men then began recruiting Indonesians into a group they were calling the Jemaah Islamiyah, which means “Islamic Community.”

    Seeds of Terror Maria A. Ressa 2003

  • There is confusion concerning the dates for the rise of JI, as the name Jemaah Islamiyah was first used in the 1970s. Current News - Top Stories 2009

  • He is considered the spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, which is blamed for terrorist attacks including the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people.

    Indonesia Deploys Security Forces Ahead of Bashir Verdict 2011

  • He is considered the spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, which is blamed for terrorist attacks including the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people.

    Indonesia Deploys Security Forces Ahead of Bashir Verdict 2011

  • You've got the MILF, who one day can join the Abu Sayyaf and one day can join the Jemaah Islamiyah, which is a regional group.

    CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2009 2009

  • Now, if this is, in fact, the work of Jemaah Islamiyah, which is this JI group he was talking about, then that is an important thing here, because most of the people of this country have not been particularly supportive of that group.

    CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2009 2009


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